I rarely put my myspace junk on here, but I have reasons for this that cannot be explained.
Halloween Time
What is the first costume you remember wearing?
My memories of Halloween are almost obsolete. I honestly don’t remember.
What was your favorite costume?
I liked those weird masks my brother and I got from Spencers.
Best Halloween memory as a kid?
The homemade treats I got. I know they don’t do that anymore, but I used to get cookies, candied apples, creepy crochet animals. Those were my favorite things.
Worst Halloween memory as a kid?
When the homemade goodies stopped. Razor blades and poison can sure take the fun out of things.
Ever TP or egg a house?
No, but I really want to TP someone’s house one day. No one has pushed me to that level yet. Damn you all for being so nice to me!
Did you steal other kid’s candy?
Absolutely. Don’t get me wrong, I tried every approach before I resorted to stealing. I tried bartering, dares, kicking, kissing, and buying, but some people just wouldn’t budge when it came to fun dip.
If you were a character in a horror movie, would you survive?
No, I would be the person that you yell at to go in the other direction.
Would you live in a house that was rumored to be haunted?
Would you live in a house where someone had been murdered?
Other than a gun, name the first murder weapon that comes to mind?
Elbows. You all know the maneuver I’m talking about. The one where you take a flying leap onto the person and land on them with your elbows. Hurts like hell.
Would you ever be a mortician?
Yes, a mortician is the type of person who obviously sucked at that game. . . Operation! That’s it. I am definitely up for it. There's no zzzzt! with a dead person.
Do you fit the serial killer profile? W/male/18-32/arson/bedwetter/kills animals
hahAHAHA karAh. I is girl!
Do you believe people can be possessed?
Yes. The only way to know, though, is to kiss them. Don’t do it!
What is something that will haunt you for the rest of your life?
When you watch someone fizz out that definitely sticks with you, but it’s nothing compared to a doll with a mirror for a face. Holy shit imagine being four years old and getting a doll, only to find out it’s you.
How do you feel about death and dying?
It happens. It’s a part of life that is definitely necessary.
Have you ever seen a dead body, other than in a funeral home?
Oh my. Flores!
Were you afraid to go in the ocean after you saw Jaws?
Never saw it.
Would you eat a human if your life depended on it?
I don’t know. I’ve never been in that position.
What was your last nightmare?
Hard to remember.
Rather be buried alive for a night or sleep next to a dead body?
I’m perfectly fine with being buried alive. As long as I have a way to breathe. I’m a claustrophile and I love dirt so what’s the problem?
As an Adult
Do you decorate your house?
Yes, on Halloween we throw dry ice in our pond. The kids love it!
Do you decorate your myspace?
That’s retarded
Do you still dress up for Halloween?
How long have been thinking about this year’s costume?
Planning on attending any parties?
What will you be this year?
What was your favorite costume you wore?
I really don’t have one.
Favorite costume someone else wore?
Funniest Halloween moment?
I don’t have one.
If money is not an issue, what is your dream costume?
I’ll leave that for the freaks.
Do you believe in ghosts?
Have you ever seen one?
Aren’t they invisible?
First thing that pops into your mind....
Murder weapon?
Well I’m sure elbows aren’t going to cut it. Poison?
Scary movie?
Blair Witch Project. Fantastic!
Apparently, sexy.
Not so sexy.
Baked lays.
2 months ago
Interesting!...and for you...
"love is the one who masters all things."
Mawlãnã Rumi.
Have you ever seen a dead body, other than in a funeral home?
Oh my. Flores!
Honey in Guatemala we almost became two dead bodies - "I see no canoe."
Thank you for the must needed chuckle this morning.
~Do you believe in ghosts?
Have you ever seen one?
Aren’t they invisible?~
Girl, I love you~
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