Monday, April 21, 2008

time for a nap

You're feeling: tired!

To your left: computers.

On your mind: How am I going to play tennis when I’m this tired? I'm also thinking about dinner tonight with robert (I hope) and my milton presentation which is tomorrow!

Last meal included: bagel. water. orange.

You sometimes find it hard to: do ANYTHING when I’m tired.

The weather: I think it’s sunny.

Something you have a collection of: books.

A smell that cheers you up: ROBERT! When he smells good of course.

A smell that can ruin your mood: bacon

How long since you last shaved: whoa there.

The current state of your hair: need a haircut, but I’m broke : (

The largest item on your desk/workspace (not computer): My Buddha frog is pretty fat.

Your skill with chopsticks: never have used them.

Which section to head for first in a bookstore: poetry

Something you're craving: oranges

Your general thoughts on the presidential race: err

How many times have you been hospitalized this year: 0

Favorite place to go for a quiet moment: outside. In the woods.

You've always secretly thought you'd be a good: drummer. HA!

Something that freaks you out a little: patterns. Such as seeing the same car everyday at the same time pulling into the same place.

Something you've eaten too much of lately: bagels

You have never: skied

You never want to: stop learning.


Pepper said...

Stop eating so many bagels.

How did your Milton presentation go?

I read your meme and realized why have so much in common. I love you toots.