A few of the pictures of Rose and Robert are powerful to me. They go together like skittles and milk. I haven't seen anything quite like it before. She's a daddy's girl. Yesterday she got out of her cage while Robert was gone, and because I've left quite a few pairs of shoes at Robert's house, she made good use of her freedom by piling every shoe on Robert's bed. She didn't chew on them. She simply piled them on his bed. Apparently we have one thing in common. Shoes!
2 months ago
Great pictures! The shoe story reminds me of one my friend John tells about his family's beagle, who particularly liked him. This beagle was crazy and one Thanksgiving the entire family went out to church or somewhere. When they got back John walked into his bedroom to find all of his bedclothes...sheets, blankets and bedspread piled up in a huge tower, and balancing delicately on top was....the turkey carcass.
This is the same dog that chewed all of the drapes in the livingroom to an even window ledge level. Guess he was a beagle with a sense of style.
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